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Black garlic - impressive health benefits for everyone

Black garlic is the result of a fermentation process that is carried out under highly controlled conditions of temperature and humidity. The raw tubers are kept in a steamy environment with an ambient temperature of about 60℃. After a period of 6-8 weeks, a shrunken, dark brown product is obtained, which, apart from many health-promoting properties, also has a milder taste and less intense smell than the fresh plant. And what's more - it is extremely healthy! What benefits can we gain by regularly including it in our diet?

What are the applications of black garlic?

Not everyone is aware of the high level of nutritional value that black garlic has. It is a rich source of amino acids as well as B and C vitamins that help strengthen the body and prevent serious diseases. It also provides supplementation of many micronutrients, including zinc and copper, and macronutrients such as magnesium and calcium. This intrinsic richness translates into its cross-cutting effects.

Strengthening your immune system

Black garlic has antiseptic properties up to 20 times more effective than its raw counterpart. As a natural antibiotic, it does a great job against bacterial diseases, but it also shows strong antiviral activity. Its better assimilability is due to the fact that after getting rid of water in the fermentation process, the nutrients of the plant are highly concentrated and consequently better assimilated by the body.

Prophylaxis and anti-cancer properties

Functional foods enriched with phytosterols can affect the growth of cancer cells and strongly reduce their development in the human body. Black garlic is one of the products that are widely recommended for people struggling with tumors and cancerous lesions. It is also worth taking as a preventive measure against cancer. Numerous clinical studies have confirmed the positive effects of consuming fermented garlic on malignant diseases of the colon, stomach and other internal organs.

Lowering blood cholesterol levels

High blood pressure, ischemic heart disease or atherosclerosis are the most common complications of hypercholesterolemia. In order to prevent them, you should first of all follow a proper diet. One of the healthy additions to the daily diet is black garlic, which lowers the content of total cholesterol and the bad LDL fraction. Allicin contained in this food additive impacts elevated heart rate and helps regulate blood lipid levels. This directly affects not only health but also a slim figure.

Antioxidant activity - hunting down free radicals

Black garlic is a valued antioxidant, for which S-Allylcysteineis primarily responsible. This biologically active molecule reduces the action of free radicals, removing their excess from the body and thus protecting cells from damage. As a result, the skin is tightened and shows no signs of aging. This fermented ingredient additionally helps regenerate mucous membranes and epidermis, which contributes to a more resilient and vital complexion.

Support in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases

Black garlic promotes lower blood pressure by widening coronary arteries. This has a direct effect on improved arterial elasticity and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. This effect is derived from reduced cholesterol levels. This is because fermented garlic cloves contribute to inhibiting platelet aggregation and the formation of fatty deposits on the walls of the aorta. The result is a low risk of heart attack or atherosclerosis.

Protection of liver cells

The characteristic smell and pungent taste of garlic can have a bloating effect, and it is not a product recommended in an easy-to-digest diet for people with liver disease. However, in the case of fermented plants, the consequences of consumption are quite different. By lowering the water content, all the nutrients are concentrated, and the intense aftertaste is neutralized. Then garlic has an effect that activates the regeneration of liver cells and supports the work of this internal organ.

Pain relief in arthritis

The warming effect is another health-promoting feature of black garlic. This effect was used already in folk medicine, where the extract of the plant was administered to treat gout and sore muscles. Even today, garlic brings relief to people struggling with arthritis. Combined with its anti-inflammatory properties, it effectively relieves pain and helps fight joint inflammation.

Instructions for eating black garlic properly

Thanks to the fermentation process in which the water evaporates, black garlic has a delicately pungent aftertaste, but of less intensity than its raw form. This combination of spicy and lightly-sweet taste allows it to be used as an addition to fish, vegetables, but also desserts. It is worth trying the dry composition of red meat and root vegetables and the combination of sweet cream and fruit. With the addition of a small amount of black garlic you will get interesting flavour combinations that will satisfy the most demanding culinary connoisseurs.

Some notes on using black garlic for healing

Moderation is an extremely important consideration when consuming garlic. A rich source of nutrients and beneficial effects on the body should not lead to excessive consumption of this plant. All this is due to the widening of blood vessels, which after some time can lead to hemorrhages. Particular caution should also be exercised by people with allergies. Black garlic, like its raw version, is highly allergenic and can lead to skin lesions and breathing difficulties.

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